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Digital Nomad Paradise

Digital Nomad Paradise

Madeira Island, has asserted itself as a digital nomad paradise not only due to its tax friendly policy towards corporations and individuals, but also due to its internet connection and infrastructure. Madeira benefits from a Submarine Cable Station, hosted in the...

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Andorra removed from blacklist

Andorra removed from blacklist

Following the amendment to Ministerial Order No. 150/2004 of 13 February 2004, by Ministerial Order no. 309-A/2020, of 31 December, the Principality of Andorra has been removed from the Portuguese list of countries, territories and regions with clearly more favourable...

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Year End Tax Updates

Year End Tax Updates

Madeira's General Corporate Tax Madeira’s Regional Budget for 2021 has been approved by the Representative of the Republic to the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Under the new budget, the general corporate income tax rate (CIT) is 14,7%. This means that Madeira has a...

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Invest in Madeira

Invest in Madeira

Madeira is a Portuguese archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, situated 625 miles (1 000 km) from Mainland Portugal and 545 miles (900 km) from North Africa. It consists of four islands: Madeira, Porto Santo, Desertas and Selvagens. Madeira and Porto Santo are the only...

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