Formalities and Fees
Read about all the Formalities and Fees of the needs for Yacht Registration in Madeira, Portugal. Opt for Europe’s most coveted international yacht registry.

Yacht Registration
Formalities and Fees
Learn more about all the benefits, requirements, obligations and more of the Yacht registration in Madeira (Portugal).
MAR accepts the registration of the following leisure yachts:
- Commercial yachts with a hull length of between 7 and 50 meters and a maximum capacity of 12 passengers plus crew;
- Pleasure yachts with a hull length above 7 meters. It should be noted that pleasure yachts may only be registered permanently in MAR. The application form for the registration will be addressed to the Technical Commission of the register. For yachts with commercial purposes, the application form shall be followed by all the technical elements regarding safety of the yacht, according to Portuguese legislation and
international regulations.
Legal Documents
The following legal documentation is required for the registration of commercial and pleasure yachts in MAR:
- A power of attorney is to be granted by the applicant to a local legal representative when the domicile or the head office of the applicant is located outside the Autonomous Region of Madeira
- Identification of the owner
In the case of corporate entity:
- A commercial certificate, original or certified copy;
- Identification of the managers or the person with powers to act on behalf of the company.
Note: for companies headed in Madeira a copy of the commercial certificate is sufficient.
In the case of a private owner:
- Complete identification, such as: name, address, marital status and, if married, which is the matrimonial property system (matrimonial joint ownership of property, separate ownership of property by married people, a.s.o.).
- Certified by a public notary.
- Bill of sale
- Certificate from the previous registry
- Deletion certificate from the previous registry
- Authorization from the mortgagees
Note: All the above documentation must be translated into Portuguese (certified translation).
Technical Documents
The following technical documentation is required for the Registration of Pleasure
Yachts in MAR:
1. Prototype Approval
- With indication of the area of allowed navigation and the maximum number of persons on board.
2. Builder’s Certificate
3. Up To Date Survey Report
- This survey must be carried out by a Classification Society recognized by the Portuguese Government, or by a Maritime Authority (or a duly authorized entity on its behalf) of a State subscriber to the IMO Conventions
- The survey report must contain clear and exact information concerning:
- Hull and Structures, stability: maintenance and upkeep conditions of the hull and structures, including the date of the last inspection on ground. Information about stability in case of a nonstandard approved model.
- Machines and Assistance Facilities: upkeep and operating conditions of the propulsory engines, electric generators, drain pumps, fire devices (reference to amount and distinctive signs).
- Navigation, Rescue and Assistance Facilities: list of these facilities, including radio communication facilities.
- Standard Approval: if the craft is a standard model, it will be necessary to present a statement regarding that fact.
4. CE Type Examination Certificate
5. Station License
- If the pleasure craft is equipped with radio communications devices, it will be necessary to present the previous Radio Station license, the radio communication equipment survey report and also a Declaration of Responsibility for the Radio Accounts.
6. Colored photos of the yacht (6×9 cm), showcasing the vessel’s name and port of refuge.
Note: The inspection and resulting security certificate will be carried out every five years (at least). The lack of this certificate may imply the deletion of the registration at MAR.
Yachts Registration Annual Fees
Depending on whether the yacht is to be used for leisure or for chartering activities, the following fees will apply:
1 – Pleasure yachts, registered for leisure purposes, are subject to:
a. An initial fee due for the registration, in the amount of 500 euros;
b. An annual fee payable to maintain the registration of:
I. 500 euros for pleasure yachts between 7 and 24 meters long;
II. 500 euros plus 2 euros per gross ton for pleasure yachts more than 24 meters long.
2 – Pleasure yachts, registered for commercial purposes, are subject to:
a. For the initial registration or registration renewal:
I. Fixed fee in the amount of 1,250 euros;
II. Variable fee:
Scale | Fee per Scale |
Up to 250 GT | 200 Euros |
Above 250 GT | 0.75 euros per GT |
GT: Gross Tonnage
b. An annual fee payable to maintain the registration:
I. Fixed fee of 1,000 euros;
II. Variable fee:
Scale | Fee per Scale |
Up to 250 GT | 200 Euros |
Above 250 GT | 0.75 euros per GT |
GT: Gross Tonnage
3 – Yachts owned by entities licensed within the legal scope of Madeira’s International Business Centre are entitled to benefit from an exemption from the initial fee for registration and to a 20% reduction in the annual fee.
Other fees will be applicable on the issue, recognition or renewal by the Technical Commission of MAR of various documents, declarations and certificates, as well as for the carrying out of inspections aboard vessels registered in MAR
Yacht Companies
Shipping companies incorporated in the MIBC will be subject to a licence and annual operating fees of, respectively, 1,000 euros and 1,800 euros.
Register Your Yacht in Madeira
Register Your Yacht under the Portuguese Flag and operate with the homeport “Madeira“.